Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A trip to Hawaii never seems quite long enough!

It is pretty easy to understand why people visit Hawaii and never leave!

Surprisingly to me, there is an endless amount of things to do....and even if your not in the mood to do anything, you just can't help but be happy!

This visit involved some snorkeling, bouldering, crashing a family reunion, surfing, whale watching, Japanese eating, and a visit to the North Shore - where the waves were so big I didn't want to touch the water!

Enjoy the Hawaii slideshow!


Anonymous said...

I agree with that sister! Everybody talks about retiring to FL, I vote Hawaii personally. Hope all is well with you. Tracy S

Sherrie Soltis said...

Awesome slide show! So jealous, looks like tons of fun!

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!