Monday, June 29, 2009

Three Packrafts, One Flotilla, and a lot of Hell Yeah's: Chulitna River, Alaska

Packrafting is rafting in a a lightweight, portable boat, that is small enough to pack in your backpack - so you can imagine, they aren't very big. The water here is pretty cold so drysuits are pretty much mandatory. I don’t remember when I first learned about packrafting, but I do know from that day forward I was intrigued…..I even told Roman Dial (packraft extraordinaire) that one day I would be a professional packrafter…That hasn’t quite come true, but I would certainly like to work on it - I got the bug bad!!

The Chulitna was a two day float, 60 some miles....Day one partly sunny with a bunch of class II rapids, which is about all I needed for my first day out. The crew - Ryan, Sherrie, Bobbie Jo, Raphael and Me. We put in at about 1 pm (alpine start!) and took out at about 9 PM. Alaska summers are so nice with so much light! We ended the day with a fireworks display in celebration of Raphael's birthday.

Day two, I awoke not feeling so great....I think the "silt" in the water didn't sit so great in my stomach...or something like that! So I spent the day lounging on the larger raft that was named the "Flotilla". It was a beautiful sunny day with amazing views of the Alaska Range. We even saw a bear with two cubs on the shore.

The weekend left me itching for more, but also an understanding and respect for the water. It was a great two days with wonderful friends and lots of smiles!

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