Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We made it through another weekend - O'Malley Waterfall

O'Malley is still in!

So, it wasn't quite that bad, as bad as my title to this post makes it sound....and we even started out with fun sun glasses, new skies and huge smiles!! And at no point in time did I not feel safe....but I have to say, it was pretty nice when my feet touched the ground!

This is the classic look Sherrie gives when she is completely....annoyed? pissed off? or what the hell was that? And what the hell was that...sluff or avalanches....I'm not sure....the weather just got worse as we went up and we bailed as quickly as we could.....

Nonetheless, it was a great day out...and I still love the long days....We didn't ski O'Malley peak as we wanted to do....exhausted by the end, but back in town before the sun went down......

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