The party Saturday night is always a good time, with a lot of folks, a band and Moose's Tooth beer (thanks Rod for donating the beer over the years!)
The Ice Pixies truly has become something that has inspired so many women climbers over the years, an event that the climbing community marks their calendars for, and one when you can't make it you are truly disappointed.....
Skine said soemthing to me a couple of years ago and it has always stuck with me....we were looking across the dance floor at all the people and he said, "you know, this is family." And that about sums up my feeling for the Ice Pixies......The knowing that no matter what may happen along the way or how life may roll...these people would be there for me in a heartbeat!
Looking forward to Ice Pixies Alaska (IPA) Year Fivc!
Special thanks to RC, Raul, Skine, and BT for all of your support and encouragement over the years....!

1 comment:
Fun photos, Lynn! You have a great blog. I read it all the time.
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