Sunday, April 3, 2011

40th Birthday Grand Canyon Celebration

I honestly can say that I am psyched to turn 40.
I continue to feel solid in my abilities, and continue to honor myself for the person I am and the person I continue to become......I continue to dream and continue to make those dreams come true.

At 40 I can say I have grown in mind, body, and spirit, and I can say that at 40 I continue to grow in these areas.....I know at 40 I don't have it all figured out, and "parts" of me still lack the centeredness that I long for. I can say I'm a dreamer and my dreams continue to come true....and when that one dream of mine doesn't come true, I remember it has perhaps been replaced by a new and different dream.

So, as I move forward, my thoughts to myself and other readers are don't loose sight of personal is there to be found and exists around us on a daily basis.....Remember that every day can be a new beginning, a re-start, just take a deep breath and make it is to short to let these lessons be passed by, life is to short not to be lived so make sure you live it to its fullest.....

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